Friday, April 17, 2009

Thune in 2010: Untouchable?

The Argus Leader reported today in their print edition (it doesn't appear on their website), that Senator John Thune has over $4 million cash on hand for his upcoming re-election campaign in 2010.

Does this make him the proverbial 800 pound gorilla? While I think Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin could mount a formidable challenge to the seat, she may not have the political capital left in South Dakota (although her approval rating remains very high, we're all well aware of the malicious smear tactics the Thune camp and their friends are more than willing to use) after the stimulus packages and various bailouts of the Obama administration to take on Thune and be victorious. If she decided to run for governor against Dennis Daugaard or Lee Schoenbeck (one of my favorite DakotaWarCollege commenters), I think she'd have a large hill to climb, but a more likely chance of success.

With that said, who will the Democrats pick to take on Senator Thune in 2010? Is there a dark horse waiting in the wings or will they have to pony up some sacrificial lamb? $4 million is a substantial war chest, and I just have doubts about any Democratic candidate other than Herseth Sandlin being able to raise that kind of cash.

On top of all that, it looks like the Democrats in South Dakota have some serious organizing to do. Todd Epp over at South Dakota Watch reports that this year's state convention, the annual McGovern Days, has been postponed. While it might be a great time to be a Democrat in America - what with Obama in office and a majority in both houses of Congress - in South Dakota, it looks like business as usual.

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