Monday, April 13, 2009

Texas Republican says Asians should change their names, make it easier for Americans

In perhaps the most bizarre and racially insensitive thing I've ever heard, The Telegraph reported on Texas State Rep. Betty Brown, a Republican who said that Asian Americans should change their names to something a little easier for Americans to deal with:

The comments from Republican Rep Betty Brown came on Tuesday, when the state legislature heard testimony from a Chinese-American group on voting difficulties. Asian voters' names are often spelled differently on different documents.

"Rather than everyone here having to learn Chinese," Mrs Brown said to a representative from the group, "do you think that it would behoove you and your citizens to adopt a name that we could deal with more readily here?"

It never ceases to amaze me that these regressive conservatives continually forget what makes America great, what makes us unique and sets us apart from any other nation in the world - our diversity. E Pluribus Unim. From many, one.

But to be fair, I'm sure the first Americans, you know, the ones who lived here for thousands of years before we white folks showed up, had trouble pronouncing Smith, Hawthorne, Proctor and other ridiculous names like that. We should have heeded Betty's advice and our forefathers should have all adopted native tongues and native names. After all, they were the majority at the time. And they were here first.

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